Vision Quest 2025
Dear you, who feels drawn to Vision Quest …
We are entering the space of an ancient and timeless practice … meeting yourself undistractedly in, as and with nature … coming home … to yourself … to Earth … and maybe … to your place of belonging … recognizing, finding, being found by … experiencing what you’re there to experience … at this time of your life.
Questions can be:
What wants to be lived through me?
What needs to be lived through me, be embodied by me?
In this lifetime, during these times?
Is there a longing, an urgency?
A crisis a question?
Or maybe an inspired curiosity?
Or is something just “not quite right” in your life?
Or is there a call - to go on your Vision Quest without you consciously knowing what this call is all about?
These - and any other question that leads you here are valid. There is only your way of entering this - your intimate conversation with yourself, life, Earth and your place in the world.
What is the larger conversation that is going on between you, your life, all life and Earth? Who are you underneath? Underneath the layers put on through all sorts of influences? Do you know that you already belong? Do you know you make this world whole? And that first of all it is not about what you do … but that you are what you are … that you are who you are … as you are …
You are welcome and invited: to enter your circle.
You are welcome and invited: to enter your very unique conversation with yourself and life.
What ever draws you to your quest site which is burial ground and birthing site at the same time … you can trust that call.
More practical details see below.
Norway 2025
Date: May 9-17th
Place: Vågå, Norway
All relevant information THIS WAY
More Information by others
The people I trained and am training with (Australia) in the lineage of Stalking Wolf - about Vision Quest
Nature Philosophy
How does this Vision Quest look practically?
The heart of the experience is a four day and four night solo time. Within a 3 meter circle out in nature, in the forest. It’s an experience of fasting of almost all things familiar, including food, reading, writing. You’ll have a sleeping bag, a pad and a tarp, no tent. For two days, we will be together as a group to prepare you for your solo time and we will stay for another 2 days after your Vision Quest to support the first very precious hours and days of integration.
More support for your preparation
The journey has already begun, once you heard the call to Quest. Sometimes it takes years till the actual Vision Quest and sometimes the window closes again and life takes you in a different direction. Let’s say you’ve heard the call (in whatever form) and you would like to find out wether this is for you and wether our Team is the right Team for you.
~ get in touch with me personally or with Manuel for an introductory call
Next steps
If you already know that you’d like to quest with us, you can apply (get in touch here) and we’ll send you a questionnaire to fill in, so we can see if we can meet your needs and can support the safety of your journey.
When you receive the acceptance letter, you can transfer the deposit and you’re on the journey of your Quest and with us.
Preparation Calls & integration Calls
1-1 preparation call (get in touch with Manuel or myself)
More thoughts on preparing
During the time before your quest, you’ll also receive emails with practices from us. Making peace with the past through so called Death Lodge practices and also supporting you with the physical preparation and the fasting.
900-1800EUR (participant decides on amount, depending on financial situation/ possibility, and if booked through a company or private)
If the reduced price is still not possible for you to pay at the moment and you’re feeling called to go on this quest, please do get in touch and we see from there what’s possible in that moment. Thank you for taking these steps.
Includes full 9 day program, includes all food, tuition and camping accommodation. Also includes 4 preparation calls before the Quest and 1 call after Quest for integration.
We are sincerely honored to accompany you on your Quest.
Susanne & Manuel
“The book of the Vision Quest” :: Steven Foster & Meredith Little
“Soulcraft” :: Bill Plotkin (and other books by him)
“The Vision” :: Tom Brown Jr. (and other books by him)
… and there are many more.
“she’s leaving
parts of her
are taken by the moon
are taken by the wind
are sinking into dark soil
are finding their home
as petals of a flower
becoming scent
floating in the air
dying and being alive
within the fire
she is no one
this configuration of hers
exists no more
she is released
into her original forms and ways
what’s left
is a sounding soul
making her way
into a new life
we don’t know
how or when
she’ll arrive.”