My Journey ~ before the call to Vision Quest

Some personal words to you. Thank you for being here! You’re welcome to walk a bit alongside and hear about my story … It’s one about longings, getting to know myself and coming alive in again and again unexpected ways.

We’ll start in 1999, when I became a bit more aware of that I had been actually longing for something that I didn't have a name for - when I started taking Alexander Technique lessons. I was 20 years young and was immersed in the stressfulness of the way I was studying music ... Before these first lessons I new that I was suffering (manifested in eating disorders and pain in my shoulders and difficulties with my emotional states) but I didn't really know what was going on - leave alone what to do with it (or not to do with it) or where and how to look in order to see … and to hear.

So after attempts of working with behavioralistic psychotherapy (not the right thing for me), I “accidently” came across the Alexander Technique and began to take my weekly lessons. I had no idea how impactful this would be in my life. It’s been one of these larger doors … The biggest revelation was: there was an alternative - a “something more and different” to painful shoulders and negative self talk. And the biggest thing back then was: there was an alternative to feeling like a victim to circumstances. I started the journey of understanding how I was fighting myself from within. And to re-discover my own sovereignty. Well … first steps on this journey.

I got introduced to my inner landscape on more and more levels. I started feeling my body from within and how pleasurable it could be to live in this body. This body: being a source of so much. I was still studying music back then and the Alexander lessons helped me dealing with the stress and tension with which I was reacting to the given tasks.

More and more the Alexander Technique was not only helping me to deal with tension and stress but also to really start enjoying performing again and to experiment with all these awareness tools that I had learned. Between the age of 21 and 30 I was very much dedicated to our project Erdbeerfeld (a sound art pop music project with my former partner Sascha Wild). I loved writing songs and creating multi channel sound art performances in unusual places and in collaboration with artists of other disciplines. The love for space, sound and perceiving the space around me and within me and playing with that space and the sounds … while the sounds were moved through our multi channel set up - I perceived this with even more joy as I was being more and more at home in my body. And as my channels of perception started to lighten up and got more sensitive.

In 2009 a new chapter began and I separated from my partner and from making music. In 2008 I had co-founded the Zentrum für Alexander-Technik in Berlin Mitte and was now about to dedicate my life very much to developing this space, and diving deeply into further eductation in Alexander Technique, Gestalttherapy (a 4 year long intensive training) and other body mind soul related modalities. How could I make it happen- to earn my money with what I truly loved and with a method that actually not so many people know of? A whole other adventurous story of my life was about “building a business”.

In 2018 I completed my time in Berlin and with the Zentrum für Alexander-Technik and handed it over to other loving hands. An entirely new chapter began.

Being a wanderer for a while ~ following the call to descend into the realms of Soul.

Now … this chapter of being a wanderer and to go on Vision Quest is going to fill at least one book … for now you can find bits and pieces of this journey on my Blog and on Instagram and Facebook.

And … now - June 2020 I can say - there will be more and more that I will share during these next months. Just come and visit my blog or connect with me through the mailing list.

I descended more and more deeply into the realm of Soul and followed a call to go on a longer quest. Here in Germany, for 40 days, in Winter. Being just by myself … and after I came out the Corona Crisis started and I was confronted with two severe illnesses in my very close environment. There’s a lot I learned on that quest and it hasn’t been the right time yet to share from my experiences. But it’ll come.

My current journey ~ coming out of the cocoon.

Yes … that is NOW. As I said above: more about my current journey will arrive in this webspace soon. The words will land and take a seat and have a conversation with you. The writings are already looking forward to meeting you, where you are.

Accompanying people & Vision Quest

Now it’s a different now again. 2021. Early this year I started accompanying a group of people who are dedicating a whole year to re-connect with themselves, their own sovereignty and at the same time with their sense of interconnectedness - in an even deeper way. I’m feeling honored to facilitate this space. I called the journey “Coming home to the Fire” - inspired by the Fire that I’m invited to come back to every two weeks, sitting with my mentor Rain. Bringing my stories and processing and growing in and into my own rhythm. The longer processes and supporting people in coming back to their sovereignty and into remembering their place in the larger community and in nature is what I’m good at and what brings me deep silent joy. The Vision Quest space is a great friend in this too and I’m growing into being a quest protector for Vision Quests. At the moment I’m offering day Quests around Berlin. There is made precious material (writings and recordings) available to journey in your own rhythm, by yourself. October - December 2021 there will be another intake for a Body, Nature & Belonging - journey as a group.

Silence & Love,

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