And it is not a place (where I used to come from) - where this is a process of fixing myself or to become better at something. Yes, maybe better at being myself. I don’t know. And what ever this would mean anyways. It's not even important. Even though I'm using words here now - the language that I start listening to is more in felt perception and imagery.
I start feeling like ... slowly slowly I'm being on my own life's journey. Like a toddler - on and in my own two feet. With my own heart. Listening.
For whom or what do I live?
A question that - as you too will know deep within - can't be answered from the mind. Yes, we can see the patterns, where we live for our parents still or for an image of God or for the society, we were conditioned by. We can uncover all of these layers. And that can help - it certainly helped me.
And then ... there is the lingering with this question. To let the question do her work. To feel the question, to go in relationship with her and to forget her again.
For whom do I live?
Who am I beyond this "doing my life"?
What am I coming home to, if it's not what I thought it was?
What's the true home whithin?
I never expected my life to create this inevitable pull into a world that seems right now like a deeper intimacy with my being. My inmost being. My inner caves (they always look like caves, maybe this place within yourself looks different in your imagery). I start noticing differences between mind, heart and soul and how they interact. I'm feeling like a beginner and I know on some levels I am. And on another level it's a big home coming and celebration of - "finally! She is on her way back!". And feeling: I've done that before. As so many many other human beings did and are doing it.
And here, at the beginning of this descent, I’m tasting the taste of loneliness and seeing and doing the distractions from truly being with myself and with ALL that is here - from darkness to light. From fear to the unconditional meeting of all of it ... and these moments of being plugged in. Being part of this big beautiful world. Equal with all of existence. A new form of ‚beautiful‘.
This is where I am now.
I'm hestiant with sharing at the moment (just looking at why I would … and if it’s from a place of a sense of obligation to share about my journey or out of wanting to be validated etc etc.). Just now it feels right and natural, so I’ll share. This blog feels a bit more calm and slow - like my own space - compared with the speed of social media. You are here because you chose to be here. Beautiful to be in touch with you here. In honor for all of our life’s journeys, yours and mine and of all other living beings.
With Love.