Why a whole year?
space to breathe
space to deepen
time to build trust
no rush - and at the same time consistency
journeying with the different phases and atmospheres of the seasons
time to digest, integrate and recognize the gold within your experiences
inviting the possibility for the experience that this group and this space is there for you, with you - while you’re going through whatever part of your journey - easy or difficult
Why is it not yet another self help online program?
Actually it’s not meant to be a “program”: the journey wants to be integrated as a natural and real part of your life. Your little global village.
nothing that is separate from life - as this special place that it is (my vision is that this way of coming together will be natural and not that special anymore. But for now I guess those ways of coming together and journeying alongside each other are still special)
not too much input - and input that inspires your own further explorations
phases of digesting and integrating ~ allowing for everything to unfold in its organic way
a place for your own journey of individuation and as part of a group - in a relational field
being heard, seen, witnessed - and giving this gift to the others too
Why only 8 people?
for the possibility to drop more easily into a place of honest sharing and togetherness
seeing and recognizing each other more deeply
recognizing our connectedness
to stay real and intimate (and not get drawn into th atmosphere of a big anonymus online program)
for me to be able to work with all of you individually as well as in the group