Am I more interested in my phone ... than in my sense of self? Part 2


So ... what are the doors, the pathways to leave the level, where the problems were created?
It certainly needs a step into the unknown.
That‘s even logical - and our minds can understand this.
But how … how do we do that?

When we look closely, every moment already is a step into the unknown. But we ourselves seem to keep us in a place, where we deny this fact of inevitable change, the nature of change. Or where we just can’t perceive it. Don’t deeply know it.

Then - we are not in tune with what’s here and ever changing. Often we probably also don’t tune into the nature of change, to keep us in a sense of safety (and I’m wondering: what are we actually trying to keep safe then?). Or we don’t align ourselves with the nature of change, to still be able to function ... (and I’m wondering: where, in what system are we then wanting to function in?) ... and again - as I tend to mention in every article: there is an importance of taking care of our nervous systems, there is such an importance of tending to the trauma we all carry in various ways - which can also lead to not being able to be with change. To acknowledge and work with them, to take care of the one who might struggle to ever feel safe.

And … there are times, where we have to take this step into the unknown - I think - (or where we are thrown into it!) - and maybe with a trembling heart and maybe with incredible fear … but guided by a force from within, by the freedom, love and nature, that we are - that makes us grow into a more mature version of ourselves. Potentially. Maybe one that can be a wiser care taker of our Earth community …

So … what are these doors to gain a greater or different perspective? Well, there are many.

And there seems to be a very reliable and kind of simple one: to go out in nature and be there.
Direct experience.
No intermediaries.
Without a screen, phone, food, book or journal. Just yourself. Out there. In there.


Also I experienced over and over again with practicing the Alexander Technique - especially during the intensity of the 3 years of training and also with some particular teachers - this famous shift of perspective - the step into the unknown. Where suddenly some ways of feeling or thinking weren‘t even available to me anymore (especially at some point the negative self talk), when my body and more of me, was here, aligned, alive and free. Even within contractions. I was only in my mid 20s when I did the training and back then, part of me just didn‘t get what was happening and it was difficult to deal with those changes. I wasn’t prepared and not familiar with any concept or experience with rites of passage or those things. I was just thrown into something like that. But nevertheless … I did experience this taste of … the unknown and the huge potential … (I just missed an Elder to accompany through this)

This, what I experienced back, were changes, within the world, as I knew it. And that was, what I was ready for. First and important steps into unknown areas, and experienced as big shake ups. And still ... within a for me very familiar and safe concept of being a normal, functioning member of an already sick society (to paraphrase Krishnamurti) .

And in my own journey there was still a lot to come. Breakups, marriage, divorce, lots of wild selfexperience things, heart ache, deep love, bringing things to life as in musical projects, the Center for the Alexander Technique in Berlin, Brodowin Retreats and co-creating the Mindful Music Making Retreats … and evetuallly letting go of all of that again, people dying, the planet suffering, an unimaginable love story with an incredibly heart breaking end somewhere … a long way from home … you know your version of those things. All big shake ups. And potential doors into the unknown, more realness and deeper ways of belonging.

I‘m imagining you with your versions of those moments of lifting of veils, heart openings of big kinds, heart breaks with deep pain, losses, deaths, the pain of seeing rain forests burn, water systems polluting ... 30 million children dying of hunger every year ... 16% of the Austrian children being suicidal (I just read) because of the lockdown restrictions, what ever it is, that deeply touches your heart ... all those „extreme“ situations are potential door openers for a big pause ...

::: a big pause

… and a big rubbing of the eyes ... a big swirl or hurricane ... and with that … a potential expanding into a bigger consciousness for the interconnectedness of all things and beings, for what truly matters ... I mean: what truly matters. No bending of our own truth, while knowing that we’re doing harm. Maybe a potential for a sense where inner and outer freedom lies and where it doesn‘t.

A sense for where to plugg ourselves in to … and where to disconnect from …

What to support.

And what kind of harm bringing behaviour to abandon.


Along those big experiences which we seem to be thrown into … there are also possibilities to consciously „go there“ ... to provoke the deeper seeing, the deeper listening ... to consciously cross thresholds and go for example on a Vision Quest or whatever retreat or threshold crossing calls you ...

... or ... maybe it‘s already a radical act for you to not take your phone to bed …. and you‘ll encounter yourself and the world in a new way. For me personally it was a radical act and it did let me encounter myself and the world in a new way.


And then what?

This is a critical moment.

Then what?

A shift.


Sometimes - it‘s clear - the change of perspective is irreversible. And we are actually capable of living this new perspective. „Living the Vision“ as one way of putting it. Depending on how deep the change was, there is no way of going back to the old distorted ways, which might have damaged yourself or others - or which weren’t aligned with your deepest truth.

But often ... often … the shift is one step along the way and the world as it is, will test you (and I don‘t mean the world or some force consciously saying „let‘s see how serious Susanne is about this really“). No … maybe it‘s better to say, the structures that are in place will test us. The structures inside ourselves. And as represented by others and the “system”. Some kind of thinking and doubting will test us as well. Interferences in our head.

And who is this „us“ then? - we could also ask. The real “me” maybe?

Well ... I guess everyone needs to find out for themselves, who they know they are. And probably the real “me” is not my phone or my conditionings, my patterns. Yes, in a way this is also here. And a lot of those patterns seem to rule world.

So ... now I‘m running out of words ... loosing my thread here ... maybe it‘s time to stop.


What is it for you - that you feel and know it’s time to detach yourself from? De-glue yourself from? Are you actually curious about yourself? And what you are actually and naturally connected with? Maybe more curious about yourself than what your phone has to offer you? Even if you look into so called spiritual things on your phone?

What if ... you ... the world ... your heart ... your love ... the Earth ... the place where you are ... the people you are with ... the air that you breathe … the nonlinear beauty of the natural world ... this place of Earth you live on ... and in deep interconnection with …

… what if that was actually more inspiring and more important to you, than your phone and what happens in there?

Is it?

Could it be?

Is there a longing to take this courageous step ... back home? The big home ... Earth?


Somehow this whole weaving of words that just happened is related to Vision Questing - I’m noticing. No surprise. As one door to step out of something and land back in something else, that you’ve actually never left.

Much love & respect

