... to all parts of the cycles 1


This is somewhere along my underworld quest journey, in Australia, 2019

… I was sitting with two women sisters …

Today. Seeing, witnessing one sister in a part of the cycle that speaks from loose ends, grief, not-knowing, doubt, and the atmosphere of „question“. It spoke from having lost connection (and through that: “being connected” to all that - which seemingly has “lost connection” - oh! what a big part of our cycling world that is!)

Even “having lost connection” - I could see from the outside - as “being connected”… It’s where we tune our ears and hearts towards to, where connection can be experienced. And at these times it’s not “the obvious” … not that, which we are used to celebrate. And maybe we need to presence these parts or have them be presenced by another in order to be able to tune in …

Listening to her … seeing her … I’m feeling this huge well of Love. Right from my heart. Seeing my sister. Seeing myself. Seeing nature in it. And truly trusting: she herself has the whole-ing abilities within her. And yes … we can support each other. Sharing our gifts - the ones that are coming from our deepest and ancient homes within. Acknowledging that we ourselves have received support and that we are made of so much. Informed by so much support along the way in different kinds - from within, from outside (and not always obvious and comfortable) …

And having let go of those parts that were ready to leave … and having integrated, which was nourishment for the next step of our embodied path on Earth. And again … letting go of even that what „we once thought real“ (to quote a poem by Rain Czupryna) - and to … weave back in again … a bit different, a bit changed. A bit more within our seat and sovereignty.

But wait … let me get this clear:
I don’t mean that we are abandoning our seat, when we are in this kind of phase of disintegration - not necessarily. What if … we would instead inquire into what it means to take our seat as this. While being this messy chaotic (maybe even beautiful), disintegrated momentary expression of life? And is this place asking from us - and giving us throughout this time?

What if … we would truly see … that we are trying to judge and avoid Life force itself, when we pull back from this phases and places of fruitful disintegration?

What if … we weren’t able to judge even one bit of who we truly are? Just for a moment? What if … we would risk seeing through thes eyes of Life - of Love? To look at ourselves …

Do we then still feel / seem to know, we - or a part of us is a mistake?
Would we still think - we are doing this wrong?