Coming home to the Fire (2021) ~ Dates


Dates 2021

Monthly gatherings in circle

>> Saturdays 10 - 12am CET (Australia Time Zone friendly)

>> First Saturday of each month

>> Join online from where you are

>> We will be up to 8 people around the Fire

1st gathering already in 2020

The 1st gathering takes place on the 19th of December 2020 - to get to know each other, prepare and to have time for questions and answers. We will open our circle space in our first call with an opening ceremony on January 2nd. ::: Late comers - after the 19th are welcome too, if there’s still space :::


January 2nd
February 6th
March 6th
March 20th / half day immersion
April 3rd
May 1st
June 5th
(July >> Month of Vision Quest / optional)
August 7th
September 4th
September 18th / half day immersion
October 2nd
November 6th
December 4th

Monthly one on one session

The monthly one on one sessions take place during the first 3 weeks of each month
We’ll schedule your sessions individually as soon as possible.

Two half day Immersions

The 2 half day Immersions take place on and around the Equinoxes
March 20th, 10 - 14am CET
September 18th, 10 - 14am CET

Emails to deepen your journey

You’ll receive your 3 Emails per month with practices / Audios / Videos / Poetry … - related to our themes on Sunday / Monday, starting the weeks after the circle.